Samsung S II Review

OK I have had this Samsung S II for about 4 weeks now after dumping my iphone 4, the last Apple product I will ever buy. I sold it on Amazon within a few days and got more than I paid for it :-) Like most I was affraid to make the jump off the Apple mother ship but the Samsung S II made it easy. Let me tell you this is the best technical purchase I have ever made. This phone is the best on the market and beats the iphone 4 by a country mile. No more restrictions on what music can be loaded, it is a simple drag and drop until the folder is full! Bets of all NO MORE ITUNES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I freaking hate that program and I hate Apple even more. Bless Steve Jobs and his ability to create like few before him, and this is coming from someone who's first computer was a Lazar 128 an Apple II C clone.

Bottom line is that if you want the best cell phone on the market in every way, except maybe battery life, get the Samsung S II you will not be sorry!


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