What a chick should not do on a dancing date
If a guy asks a chick out and she says yes, great. After 3 dates there should be some input from said chick as to what the date might entail. Let's say dancing. The chick is into salsa dancing and would like to go with you. Being that you have never salsa danced in your life you say "sure sounds like fun!" The rub is that you now have one week to learn. So you practice, watch Youtube and practice some more until the big day comes. Being that it is your third date you stop at the store and get a single rose just to be thoughtful. You pick her up and all is well. You drive down to the Museum where the dancing event is to take place, Fernbank in Atlanta in this case. All is good you grab drinks and start cutting the rug. You feel pretty freaking good because you are holding your own and having a surprisingly good time. On a dancing break you stroll around hand in hand observing some of the other couples dancing away. When suddenly a dude comes up to your chick and asks her to dance, before you get a chance to understand what the fuck is going on, she is on the dance floor spinning away while you are there standing with your dick in your hand.
Now you start to get your shit together, should you wait there until she is done complimenting her on her moves, go punch the guy out for making you look like a bitch then spend the weekend in jail before you start your 90 days being passed around in the main cell block or say fuck to that bitch, cash out and take her home politely.
I made the last choice. As I was paying she ran up asking what was going on. I told her I was ready to leave and to grab her coat. Then I made for the door. As she followed all I could think of was how insulted I was. Of course as we made it down to brass tacks she did not think anything was wrong. In fact if I wanted to dance with other chicks she was fine. My point was as I explained not that she wanted to dance with other guys, just the night she was doing it. I picked her up and was paying for everything out of common courtesy she should have struggled through the night with the beginner dancer that I was saving her energy for the next time she could hit the floor with all of the other guys that could actually dance.
Was I wrong or right?? What am I missing? I doubt that there is anything that would change the way that I feel and how I acted at the time, but i am curious to know.
She got a cab home and we will never speak again. I really liked her so that is what messed me up.
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