Best Music Internet Service Review

After having Pandora and using it for years both free and paid, it became boring.  The problem was that the same songs were constantly being played over and over.  Here is why:

SongsMobileFree VersionSubscription Cost
Pandora1 millionAndroid, iOS, WP, BBYes$4.99/month
Spotifyover 20 millionAndroid, iOS, WP, BBYes$9.99/month
iTunes Radio27 millioniOSYes$24.99/year
Rdio25 millionAndroid, iOS, WP, BBYes$9.99/month
Beats Music20 millionAndroid, iOS, WPNo$9.99/month

Now I thought to myself more is always or should I say usually better.  However after trying Spotify and Rhapsody which is not shown on the chart above but has a claim of 30 million or so songs, I was surprised at the lack of library control and again the frequency in which songs were being played.  I had tried Google Play for about a day being that I could load a ton of my own music, but never really gave it a chance.  However, with access to over 30 million songs and 50,000 of my own I decided to give it a real go.  I could NOT BE HAPPIER.  This is one thing that the stuck up youngsters at Google have done right.  I listen to it all day long at work and while driving.  I can listen to hard rock, jazz, French jazz, heavy metal or whatever I like.  I can go to my library, create lists browse stations, simply endless possibilities.

The cost is like $100 per month and worth every penny.

This Internet radio service comes with my HIGHEST recommendation.

Just as a point, iTunes sucks so bad that I sold all of my Apple products after the iphone 3 that I had lost all of my paid music and movies and Apple, the shitiest company in the United States did jack to help me.  I hate Apple Computer Company!



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