My first Blog!

I will be using this blog to vent, educate and just about anything else that I can think of. There will be many bits and pieces of useful and interesting stuff for sure!

Today I would like to talk about my iphone. I love it. However I really wish that it had a video recorder in it, what the hell was Steve thinking!! In addition the calculator that comes with it is straight out of the 70s. My fricking clock radio can do more :-~ One other thing that I would like to mention is the fact that Apple and PC do not play well together. I only use PCs at home and the iphone does not work well with any of them. Every time I set it in the cradle it send down updates and erases everything in my phone!! That is crappy to say the least. I do not store anything in my iphone any more.

But all in all I love my iphone, easy to read, type and get email. I would not be without it!!



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