Higher Education

You would think that in this day and age when you took a university level class in graduate school that you would have an actual professor. However more often than not the person who is actually doing the "teaching" is some graduate student from Iran or India that can barely speak English. I guess I expected it in undergrad but I thought that when I started at Harvard it would be different, but it is not, in fact it is worse. In their effort to get the best test scoring people these institutions of higher education have missed the boat. Let's face it, just because Abdul has never missed a point on a test, does not mean that he can "teach" the subject matter.

Teaching is a skill, you have to develop it. The fact of the matter is that most people who are really smart and know their subject inside out make terrible teachers. You would think that a school such as Harvard would have that all figured out after more than a century. I wonder if it has always been like that? Unfortunately I do not see it changing anytime soon, there would be too much money to loose.

In the mean time we will just have to get our assignments and take it from there, educating ourselves and hopefully breaking the chain of stupidity in our centers for higher education. We might as well have strippers as teachers, at least we would be entertained.


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