Windows 7

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I like to think of myself as a pretty fair guy. When it comes to computers I have worked with them all. I started on a mainframe terminal playing Star Trek with a dot matrix printer as my screen. Later I had a Laser 128, an Apple 2c clone, ,which I had to write software for. In those day you could not just go to the store and by software. But as time went by the world turned to pcs and Windows operating systems. It seems like a good time to reflect a bit and to share with you my thoughts on the pc vs Mac debate.
I have been a Windows guy for a long time. However I have had my share of troubles along the way. So when I hear people talking about Macs and their stable, reliable operating systems bla bla bla, I become interested and intrigued with the idea of have a superior machine. Well I have recently had the opportunity to work on a Mac fo about 10 months and I have reached a conclusion... Apple SUCKS!! That is correct. I have never seen such a constrained systems in my life. It is paralyzingly slow, completely counter intuitive and there is such a limited amount of software available it would be impossible to get along without having a pc as well.
I have ani7 with Windows XP and it blows the doors off of the Mac. Faster boot, faster everything. 90% of the programs that I need to do business are not available for the Mac. iChat sucks worse than Outlook. I use Yahoo biz mail & calendar, it blows everything else away. Safari is the most pathetic excuse for a browser I have ever seen. I takes me back to the dial-up days with AOL!
Bottom line, if you want to spend more money for a slower machine with lest power and fewer programs and feature, get yourself a Mac. If you want the best of all worlds get a pc.
***Apple did do it right with Keynote, that is a kick ass program!!***
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