The Poor in the United States

I heard a report on the ABC World News last night with Clarley Gibson, the best anchor ever, what a sign off! Anyway, the story was about the number of poor people in the United States. The part that got me was the kids. How in the hell in this day and age can we possibly have 1 child in this country that does not have a safe clean place to call home, or does not ever have enough to eat? It pisses me off to no end. We can spend close to a trillion dollars on a war that never should have been fought and provide billions of dollars in aid to other countries, and yet we have children in this country who lack the basic necessities to enjoy a pleasant life. What the hell is going on? By the way this does not count the millions of illegal immigrants in this country, most of which are Mexicans, they don't deserve anything, they are felons.

Here is a link to a good story on the topic:

Starving kids in the United States

Let's get up off of our asses and vote to change this country!


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